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About Lala Gifts

LaLa Gifts 是香港一家提供花藝、花束、禮品、鮮果籃、禮籃及畢業禮物;如畢業熊、畢業公仔的綜合網上禮品公司。
我們的宗旨是竭盡所能為你把心意安全送達你們所重視的人手上,不論是商業用途,還是節日禮物,如 :情人節花束、聖誕節禮籃、

提供各款中秋禮籃(中秋水果禮籃、 中秋禮品籃、 各款中秋月餅禮籃),每款都是精心設計, 可以客製包裝, 新鮮水果及 各款月餅都是 精心挑選。 為客人提供多元化禮籃以供選購, 所有中秋禮籃免費送貨。


The Peninsula Moon Cake Mid Autumn Fruit Basket MA2423


Mid Autumn, The Peninsula Moon Cake Fruit Basket MA3001 ( Can change to Hand-made leather box with lid)


The Peninsula Moon Cake Mid Autumn Fruit Basket MA2421


Mid Autumn, The Peninsula Moon Cake Fruit Basket MA2002


The Peninsula Moon Cake Mid Autumn Fruit Basket MA20214


The Peninsula Moon Cake Mid Autumn Fruit Basket MA20212


Valentines Day Rose Flower Bouquet 13


Valentines Day 30 US Rose Bouquet 03


Valentines Day Rose Flower Bouquet 14


Valentines Day 99 US Rose Flower Bouquet 09


Valentines Day Rose Flower Bouquet 15


Valentines Day Rose Flower Bouquet 16


Opening Flower Stand 31


Opening Flower Stand 31


Opening Flower Stand 42


Opening Flower Stand 32


Opening Flower Stand 16b


Opening Flower Basket 18


Funeral Flower Basket 01


Funeral Flower Basket 21


Funeral Flower Basket 05


Funeral Flower Basket 12


Funeral Flower Basket 27


Funeral Flower Basket Stand 02

How to Order

首先,你可以於我們網站選擇心水禮籃或鮮花花束等禮品,再按需要更改訂購數量,然後點選"加入購物車",你會進入下一個畫面,選擇"送貨區域"。如果你還需要選購其他禮品,可以點選最頂LaLa Gifts 的標誌返回主頁選購其他貨品再加到購物車,便可以一拼結算。我們收到你的訂單後,會於辦公時間內致電給你確認訂單,並會電郵訂單書及付款方式給你,讓你安在家中也可享受快捷方便的網上購物。

Payment Methods

我們提供多元化的付款方式,你可以選擇到匯豐銀行或中國銀行,直接轉帳到我們的銀行帳戶裡,或你可以選擇透過PayPal於網上進行即時信用卡付款。而我們亦會於未來開設更多付款方式,如: PPS、便利店支付等等,而中國內地及澳門顧客方便,我們亦設有當地銀行帳戶以便轉帳,另外我們亦有支付寶等方式付款,給顧客方便的付款體驗。

​How to pay?

當你選購好你的心水禮籃或花束等禮品後,你會收到我們的確認電話及付款資料的電郵,如以銀行轉帳付款,你可於轉賬成功後,將收據發給我們以便確認。而你亦可選擇於網上使用信用卡付款,你可以跟據我們電郵的登入資料在我們的網站登入,然後按"帳戶"然後按 "查看付款及帳單紀錄",之後你便可以查看你的訂單內容,查閱訂單內容正確無誤後,可以按"網上付款" 到“PayPal” 進行網上付款。完成後,閣下將會收到確認付款的確認電郵。

About LaLa Gifts Flower Shop

Welcome to lala baby !

We are an online gift hamper shop based in Hong Kong, it was founded in 2012 by the owner Vicky and her talented team.

Our aim is all about fulfilling your baby gift buying needs. Our hampers are hand picked to be as practical and fun as possible because we understand how hard it is to find that perfect gift for baby. We believe that every mum and baby deserves to have fun and be happy, and there is no better way of doing this than with our range of baby gift hampers. Our aim is to provide a better baby gift buying experience for you and it is our business to help you create lasting memories that are cherished forever.

Our Baby Care Hampers

We are really excited about our range of Baby Care Hampers that each have their own special touch and are filled to the brim with the most practical baby goodies imaginable. How awesome would it be to give one of our beautifully styled and practical baby hampers to a new mum at a maternity ward, at a baby shower, or at a baby's christening?

We have developed a wide range of special Baby Care Hampers to suit all budgets and tastes, and they are sure to leave a lasting impression no matter what the occasion!

Our philosophy

We have teamed up with Aden & Anais , The Gro Bag , Mustela and more premium and trusted brands to bring you the best products for baby. Our goal is to look after mum and baby first by providing them with all of the essential, practical but often forgotten about things that a mum just loves to have. We have developed all of our Baby gifts to be practical and fun, to make sure your gift doesn't sit in a storage cupboard for months on end! Don’t you just love seeing your gifts being enjoyed?

Everything that leaves our shop is made with all of our love and care and we hope you'll notice the difference!

Check out our range of baby hampers on offer and we hope you will find the ultimate gift you’ve been looking for!