Rose With Alstroemeria Bouquet 05




Our Red Roses & White Alstroemeria Bouquet with a simple packing is very grace and elegance.

While simple,this bouquet offers a gentle elegance with its delicate lily and beautiful Red Rose.Perfect for any occasion, this gift of beautiful flowers is perfect for Mother’s Day, an anniversary or just to show somebody your love. The red and white flowers compliment each other in amazing ways.

Ideal For:

Valentine's Day, Anniversary, Birthday, Just Because, I LOVE YOU

Product Name: Rose With Alstroemeria Bouquet 05
Code: FB15005
Price: HKD690
Description: Our Red Roses & White Alstroemeria Bouquet with a simple packing is very grace and elegance.
While simple,this bouquet offers a gentle elegance with its delicate lily and beautiful Red Rose.Perfect for any occasion, this gift of beautiful flowers is perfect for Mother’s Day, an anniversary or just to show somebody your love. The red and white flowers compliment each other in amazing ways.
Ideal For:
Valentine's Day, Anniversary, Birthday, Just Because, I LOVE YOU