Rose With Veronica Vertakt Bouquet 06




Whether it's for the love in your life or just showing your appreciation towards someone you care about,this graceful arrangement of Purple Rose and Rink Veronica Vertakt is perfect gifts for any anniversary.

Pink and purple are gorgeous colors. This Rose with Veronica Vertakt Bouquet very grace and elegance is a romantic gift to use to spoil somebody you love.

Ideal For:
Valentine's Day, Anniversary, Birthday, Just Because, I LOVE YOU

Product Name: Rose With Veronica Vertakt Bouquet 06
Code: FB15006
Price: HKD710
Description: Whether it's for the love in your life or just showing your appreciation towards someone you care about,this graceful arrangement of Purple Rose and Rink Veronica Vertakt is perfect gifts for any anniversary.

Pink and purple are gorgeous colors. This Rose with Veronica Vertakt Bouquet very grace and elegance is a romantic gift to use to spoil somebody you love.

Ideal For:
Valentine's Day, Anniversary, Birthday, Just Because, I LOVE YOU